Donnalouise99 28th October 2019

Been thinking about you a lot today Mum, well I think about you a lot everyday. It’s now autumn your favourite season, the times when you would love to go out on a long walk wrapped up in your warm coat with your hat and gloves and walking boots on. You’d call at our house for a brew and a chat and then you would call up to our Pete’s, doing your rounds as we called it :) What I’d give to watch you walking past the window waving as you called down. I miss you so much Mum, everyone says it will get easier I don’t feel it ever will :( goodnight god bless love you sweet dreams every night we would say that before bed time with 3 kisses for each. 25th jan 2020 is the day we will be planting your tree in Tandle hills where we will watch you grow and bloom and we can all come and see you everyday. Anyway goodnight x god bless x and sweet dreams x love you lots xxxxxxx